Lekha Singh – Women carry the world
On their heads, on their backs, on their shoulders, at arm’s length or close to them, for centuries they have carried children, transported wood, water, food, bricks or mountains of cotton.
Follow them through this exhibition, which reveals the spectacular burdens they carry.
American photographer Lekha Singh pays tribute to the women of the world.
Each in their own way, women carry a part of the world. It is time to bring them into the spotlight, and this is what the American photographer does so brilliantly.
On the tracks of the fields, the roads of the markets, the paths of the villages or the tumult of the cities, you will follow sportswomen, mothers, doyennes with ankles cracked by the heat of the day or teenagers who put their nascent strengths to the test.
Exhibition until 02 January 2023.
Musée de l’Homme : 17 Place du Trocadéro 75016 Paris
Open every day except Tuesdays, 01 January, 14 July and 25 December.
Opening hours: from 11am to 7pm.
Price: 13€.
Metro: line 6 Station: Trocadéro